Blindly chasing after the ever-changing market demand to add or subtract a specific major will aggravate the unemployment among graduates, said Han. 韩子静说,为了盲目追求日新月异的市场需求,而增加或减少某一特定专业,这将使得毕业生失业的境遇雪上加霜。
Firstly, introduce the specific meaning of the related concepts, including Unemployment, Urban Registered Unemployment and Labor Participation Rate. 首先,明确介绍失业城镇登记失业率劳动力参与率下岗职工的涵义。
So it is welcomed by enterprises and students. By dual-system vocational education, students study in the specific working environment, having more chances to communicate with enterprise and skilled-workers, reducing risk of unemployment after training. 在双元制职业教育体制下,由于学生在特定的工作环境中学习,使得学生和企业有了更多的交流机会,大大降低了培训后失业的风险。
According to the specific insurance system, it can be divided into the retirement insurance, the medical insurance, the unemployment insurance, the injury-in-working insurance and the bearing insurance. 根据该社会保险所包含的具体的保险制度可分为养老保险、医疗保险、失业保险、工伤保险、生育保险。
Specific studies two current social insurance system of old-age pension, medical and unemployment insurance of contents and to be perfected deficiencies. 具体研究两国现行社会保障制度下养老、医疗和失业保险的内容及有待完善的不足之处。
Chinese primary stage of socialism still has relative surplus population, and college students 'unemployment problem is one of the specific manifestations of overall unemployment in our country. 我国社会主义初级阶段仍存在相对过剩人口,大学生失业问题是我国总体失业现象的具体表现形式之一。